Vatche Arabian

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Movies and a funtime with CML

After working at Extech yesterday I went to see The Island with Jeff and Razmig, I liked the flick.

CML and I went for some fun in Boston today given our canceled beach outing thanks to some raw sewage being dumped in the ocean. But the day was not lost! We went down to the Maparium at the Christian Science center, which if you've never been is quite neat, but I'm not sure if the price of admission (No conversion required, just $4 with your student ID) is quite worth it, but its definitely pretty cool. The echo in this glass map room is crazy!

Our next stop was Fanuel Hall, where we witnessed various jugglers mid-act, a crazy woman frozen (who kissed Chrissy's hand after I made her give the lady a quarter), and some other random things. I love whats become of the waterfront now that I-93 doesn't rush over head. We walked over and admired the North End.

Chrissy's 25 cents made it possible for me to fulfill a lifelong dream. To use the Public Toilet in front of the Boston Public Library. These fancy devices clean themselves! As soon as you exit, it fills with water like a dishwasher and gives everything a clean! It's amazing. 25 cents buys you 25 minutes in a nice futuristic bathroom, and with MOOD music. It is in my humble opinion that one of these works of art stand on every street corner in every major city across the globe. New York had them briefly, but they disappeared, I'm not quite sure why.

Good times Chrissy Liscombe, thanks (for the day, not just to witness me using the futuristic toilet)!!


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