Vatche Arabian

Saturday, September 29, 2007


Happy Oktoberfest!

I'll be heading over to wonderful Bohemian Hall in celebration of the Harvest season. I wish I had lederhosen to really be in the spirit, but I honestly have no clue where you'd buy a pair.

iPhone update came out this week, the browser seems to be running much faster, but other then that, I'm a bit disappointed in the lack of iChat and MMS. But, I predict some more updates to the phone with the release of leopard, and all the controversy over its continued lack of support for 3rd party applications.

Halo 3 came out this week, so the constant frustration of losing to 10-year olds is back. The game itself is all right, there is a lot of hype around it. It's a good game, but I'm not blown away by it by any means.

So I'm gonna play some Halo 3, and be ready to have some fun at Oktoberfest!



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